17 Jun
Under Starters Orders

We met the little man, 

on the day of his maiden, 

fourteen months old, 

supported by his stable staff, 

mother and father, an entourage

drew approval from the crowd at large 

high up on the balcony, 

the Knavesmire, your territory, 

playing a starring role, 

as one so recently the foal, 

though I feel that soon, 

you will call the tune, 

as you canter through your little years, 

I wish you laughter, not too many tears, 

but come, now you have begun, 

to take your place in the racing sun, 

as the Melrose Suite resounded to, 

so many parents, who bill at coo 

at this newest and most fashionable racing fan, 

young Rafferty, your parents seem to have a plan

to bring you up within the sport of kings, 

we will watch the skies, see what the future brings, 

your name means wielder of prosperity, 

odds on, that will be your legacy.

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