02 Jan
Bistro Villanelle

 We formed a fine random table vivant

passing strangers for the shortest of time

with wines from the Loire, but not Piedmont 

A New Year's Eve celebration, a jaunt 

food and drink, waiting for the Minster chime,

we formed a fine random table vivant 

Not humble fare, French but no stale croissant

Foie Gras to start, with a fig, just sublime 

with wines from the Loire, but not Piedmont 

In the old cobbled street, where the ghosts haunt,

we dined on salmon and prawns in their prime,

we formed a fine random table vivant 

The chatter flowed, in this fine restaurant

we spoke of life and loves and things that rhyme,

with wines from the Loire, but not Piedmont 

At L'Opaline, in its year as debutante

to greater heights next year, it's bound to climb

we formed a fine random table vivant

with wines from the Loire, but not Piedmont

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