We crossed continents
as rapidly as we crossed town,
from Beckside to fashionable bistro
what has lastly been Lyonnais
now smacked of Persia and Mughal Lords
a little celebration of flavours with friends
a feast, all washed down
with a pretty pink Provençal tipple,
Eddie and Helen float, almost ethereal,
in this Maison de cuisine,
France crossed with Indian spicing,
and a dose of Yorkshire greeting,
we giggle on with food and story telling
combined with a cheeky book signing,
until, as digestives started appearing
we lost the lights from the ceiling,
someone had the feeling,
maintenance was scheduled that evening
we read the letter in the dark,
and roared our approval whilst leaving,
just another excuse for returning,
not that we ever need one,
as if with déjà vu,
we say thank you again.